Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mid-Week Mayhem

Rachel Maddow dedicated the lion's share of her show tonight to the long-overdue repeal of DADT.  Here is the end-cap commentary:

The people being kicked out are exactly the types of people that we, as voters, taxpayers, and citizens, should want in leadership positions in our armed forces.   They've proven they can shoot straight, and then some.   So why should we GIVE A RAT'S PATOOTY re: whether or not they ARE straight?

On another note, in the same video appears Gibby, seeming to reiterate his position about how unappreciated his adminstration is among those of us on the left.  He admitted since that he watches too much cable.

You should get out more, Gibby.

This taking of the left for granted among this adminstration is yet another arguement against the two-party system.     We're stuck, for the time, with centrists who pay lip service, good and bad, to the left - because these centrists know just how awful the alternative is.   

Gibb's squalking could be seen as an indicator of one good thing - it shows they're feeling the pressure.    It shows they aren't too comfortable - they shouldn't be.

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