Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bye Bye Beckie

Ah, so the Glen Beckie, he of the aforementioned golden shit shovel, will no longer be a daily presence on Foxy Noise.    Not like he's going away any time soon - with his ego, are you kidding?   He'll still squalk through deteriorating speaker cones on AM stations throughout the country, and still host the occasional event, I'm sure.   And his face will be plastered on his ghost-written books.   But he seems destined for a long, slow fade into the twilight - even Corporate America has little use for him, as attested by the exodus of advertisers from his TV show.   

So I guess we can't really say good riddance.   But at least it's one less excuse to turn the dial to Rupert's Circus of Clowns.    They've just lost their P.T. Barnum.   

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