Thursday, November 8, 2012

Now do they get it?

You'd think they would have learned by now.  

Bain Capital.   Offshoring of jobs overseas.   Cash hidden in island hideaways.   

But I guess, as they say, love can be blind.

This article in Forbes describes how the MittWitt stiffed his campaign workers by canceling the campaign credit cards in the middle of the night, leaving them with the hotel bills and the tickets back home. 

Some might say that this was a case of the taste of bitter defeat on the part of the MittWitt and his inner circle.    Even keeping the cards active just long enough to pay for their rooms for the night, and a ticket back home, would have been a minimally gracious move.   But that's not his M.O.  I say that this is classic, textbook MittWitt - ruthless efficiency at the expense of those who busted their asses for you.    No change in stripes here.   

As for the campaign workers,  I guess that the only thing they can do now is chalk it up to Tuition at the School of Hard Knocks. 

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