Friday, September 13, 2013

Quibbles and Bits, Whither September 11th Edition

More crunches in bunches...

>> I'm seeing a concerted effort in the supposedly "leftward-leaning" media to quash, once and for all, any 9-11 related thought process which conflicts with the official government line, as spelled out in the 9-11 Commission Report.   Besides Rachel Maddow's disgusting display a couple of weeks ago,  I'm also hearing this on "progressive" radio.   Thom Hartmann has at least been taking calls from people with varying opinions on 9-11 - but seems to dismiss the possibility of it being an "inside job".   He's good about letting his callers talk - sometimes too good for my taste.   He believes it was a case of criminally gross negligence - a belief that I used to hold until I started looking more and more into the issue. 

More following the break...

>>Where the above leads me to, considering how Maddow and MSNBC, as well as radio personalities like Stephanie Miller (who I hardly listen to anymore) is, is that the Obama Administration has determined that they simply don't have the political stomach to deal with the ugly truth about 9-11, and they have made a judgement that the American people don't have the stomach, either.    Therefore, it's better, and more unifying, to have the People believe a myth rather than face the truth.   Besides, if the truth really was allowed to take shape about the bullshit surrounding the 9-11 myth, it would call into question the very legitimacy of the US Government - the Emperor would then be, literally, naked - and his membership would be discovered to be strangely lacking.     It's one of history's oldest stories.   

>> One person who is held up by the MSM as a champion of the "truthers", and a person to whom I give no credence, is Alex Jones.   The MSM loves to spotlight extreme personalities like him in part because of the need for sensationalism, but also because it is within Corporate America's interest to make people who speak out against them look as "out there" as possible.

>>  If you want me to let go of my suspicions and outright protests about the 9-11 story, you will have to debunk Michael Ruppert's Crossing The Rubicon.   I've yet to see a single credible attempt to disprove Ruppert's assertions - mainly because he has a reputation for dotting his Is and crossing his Ts.    

>>One more thing - and I'll get into this into more depth later.    Putin's op-ed  was dead-on - it is dangerous to convince your population that they are somehow exceptional.   He wasn't just speaking for Russia - he was speaking for a lot of other countries and populations.   

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