Sunday, October 27, 2013

Quibbles and Bits, Hitches, Glitches, and Stiches Edition

In regards to the Obamacare website kerfluffers emanating from certain elephantine backsides, a couple of comments:

>>I would agree with the assertions that the Administration was ill-prepared for the site roll-out.   Considering how the Repubs would pounce on any perceived failure of any element of the program, an extra bit of care - updated servers and infrastructure, better-written code - should have been taken.   Would have, could have, should have...

>>...but the milk has been spilled, now's the time to clean it up.    I can see the fixes taking place through October and November, with a completion date being sometime in December.    Once that happens, there goes the Repub talking point...

>>We've heard a few things lately about pricing issues in the rural parts of the country vs. the urban areas.    It's still early in the game, let's see what happens as we get closer to year's end...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This should explain it all...

...I cannot take credit for this picture or the Photoshop.    If you claim copyright, I'll remove it.    But it's just too juicy to pass up - it explains, in a nutshell, the reason for the government shutdown:

Looks like the Boner Falls Dam is about to break.  Kiss your plum speakership goodbye, you for-sale freak.

Good Riddance.    

Public and Private Yuletide Health

I’ve taken a break from blogging over the last several months, in large part because of a deluge of things that have happened in my life.  ...