Check out this post in Salon regarding the recent attempts by the Democrats to cut Elizabeth Warren's bank-regulatin', give-em-hell ideas down to a size small enough to drown in a bathtub. Don't want to offend those that really own this country (and both political parties) now, do we? Don't want to see all that effort Billary spent gathering corporate cash into the Dem coffers go away to the Repubs now, right? Make nice with corporate pigs, or else...
This is why we need more than two parties in the political system, along with instant run off voting. The powerbrokers at the Democratic party know damned well that they are perceived to be the lesser of the evils right now (considering the kookiness of the Teabaggers), but lesser of evils is still evil to me.
The PTB have set up a nice, neat dichotomy. You can vote against the Repub, or against the Dem. But how do you vote against Goldman Sachs? Or B of A?
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