Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Pope and The Rhodes Scholar

It shouldn't take a Rhodes Scholar to figure out what Dr. Maddow states in the above graphic.   It's been obvious for the last 30-plus years, and has touched all of us in one form or another in that space of time. 

What's rattling the right-wing even more, however, is the recent economic rhetoric delivered by Pope Francis.   This type of speech should not be surprising, considering that Pope Francis has direct experience from the Friedmanist economic experiments conducted in South America and has seen all of the wreckage those experiments created, human and otherwise.  His recognition and calling out of the fraud that is modern economic thought (as displayed by Friedman and his followers) is welcome to hear, no doubt.    But don't get too excited about the possibility of a sea change at the Vatican when it comes to other issues - women's standing, gay rights, etc.   This is the Catholic Church, after all.   

The Repubs thought that the Teabaggers and America's changing demographics, not to mention the attitude differences those changes bring, were challenges enough.   Now they may be losing the unspoken endorsement of the Catholic Church.    

This is getting good.   Stay tuned.  

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