More semi-random flavored morsels for your eat-ification.
>>For your viewing pleasure, I submit this sentiment from one of our military veterans, made a veteran in large part because of our country's insatiable thirst for fossil fuels of all kinds:
To me, this stands as one of nearly limitless examples of why my problems have never been with the armed forces themselves, or those who volunteer to serve (and get screamed at by the professional assholes known as drill seargents and COs) - my problem is with the elected civilians who put them in areas where they don't belong, and for reasons most directly related to the profit margins of a select few. Who are they fighting for, anyway?
>>Here's another one:
...and these are the same people who complain about welfare for the rest of us. The bottom line is - they don't want us dependent on government - they want us dependent upon them.
This is why Reagan and his worshippers like to talk about the "inherent ineptitude" of "government". Make it irrelevant in the eyes of the people, so we go running to Peter Schiff, Kevin O'Leary, and the rest of their buddies on Wall Street. Great racket - nice work too, if you can get it.
>> I'm not paying much attention to the Sochi Olympiad - to me, it's just another advertising opportunity for oligarchy (American, Russian, and elsewhere) to separate us from our cash. I will say, however, that I find the "kill joy" talk being perpetrated by the American press rather amusing - since it's another example of how in the pocket the American press is to Corporate America, the banks, and their subsidiary, the US Government. We don't like it when world leaders stand up to us, like Putin (not a boy scout, but he was right about "American Exceptionalism"). And, of course, there's the controversy about Russia's anti-gay legislation (pure bigotry, wrapped in the mistaken belief that it will address the declining population crisis).
More quibbles and bits later.
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