>>This video has my blood boiling:
They won't tell the "accused" (the woman filming this) about where the call originated that led them to come to her house (I guess she's a "suspect" or a "person of interest" by virtue of exercising her first amendment rights.) They want to know what might happen after the protest.
This is the Police State - Live and in Blushing Color.
UPDATE (12/14): I find it interesting that the account which housed this particular video was apparently terminated. I'll leave the observation at that, and the speculation with you. But I'm leaving the link up anyway.
>>Here's a story of a 10-year old getting Tazed as a lesson from a cop about what happens when somebody disobeys said cop and any of his cohorts. Amazing - all of the negative press coverage about the police - from OJ, to Rodney King, to Ferguson, and now this - doesn't seem to affect their behavior one iota.
Note the commonality of the two stories above? The brazenness. The absolute lack-of-giving-a-damn-about-what-we-the-taxpayers-who-pay-their-salaries think. Not even the slightest attempt at repair of their relationships to the citizenry after the above mentioned bad press.
Free society? Gimme a break....
(Actually, Officer Taze-A-Kid probably would.)