Saturday, January 17, 2015


This has been making me absolutely ill lately.   

More than half of all school-age children are now living in low-income households.  

It's not like we weren't warned this was happening.  We've seen the trends.    We've seen the results of the economic policies of Reagan and afterward.  

We've heard the countless exhortations by those "of means" for those "without" to pick themselves up by the bootstraps and stop being so "lazy".   They're getting brazen now, too - to wit, Warren Buffet said something to this effect not too long ago, and you can turn on Foxy News or Foxy Business anytime to hear variants of this theme.  

And there are precious few media outlets out there that will provide adequate pushback to this nonsense.  Think Mess-NBC is going to provide that pushback?  They're feeble, at best.  And the other outlets, RT (with its Putin smear), Pacifica Radio (with its Hippie smear), and most of the remaining liberal talk show hosts (who have been driven to near-online-exclusivity), have been driven to the sidelines.  

We're supposedly the richest country on earth.   What more proof do we need regarding how unequal the wealth is being redistributed?  This is just the latest in an arms-length list of indictments of American economic superiority.

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