Sunday, January 25, 2015

Redux, and Redux (and Wash, Rinse, and Repeat, Again and Again)...

Of all of the overly premature 2016 campaign rumblings going on in the MSM, one that has piqued my interest is that the MittWit is considering a run for the presidency again.   You've got to admire this guy, if nothing else for his tenacity, hubris, and possibly, his unshaken faith in the prophecy that a Mormon president will save the country.  

Need a few reminders of just what a clueless oligarch this guy is?   Here are a few memes published on Democratic Underground, featuring the "47 percent" comment that famously hoisted him on his petard in 2012. 

If you think Obama had fun with him in the second and third debates in 2012, imagine what HRC will do to him (and as you may know, I'm no fan of Hill OR Bill).  

Please proceed, Mitt.    

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