Monday, June 6, 2016

Raised on Robbery

I was going to do another post on my travel blog,, until I perused my Facebook news feed.   I discovered that the AP, and other news outlets, aren't even bothering to wait until tomorrow's primaries to call the Democratic nomination for Hillary Clinton.   We're seeing more, increasingly brazen evidence that this election is rigged.   So brazen, in fact, that they aren't even trying to hide anything now.   Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee, goddamn it, and we rubes will sit down and shut up, and take it.  

The problem is, these assertions are FALSE - at least as far as the pledged delegates are concerned.   Bernie is less than 300 pledged delegates behind Hillary, with California (which is at risk for Hillary) and other states in play.   This move was all about perception - if the AP and the networks call it, it must be true, and therefore, otherwise motivated voters will stay home.   In other words, VOTER SUPPRESSION.   Call the election now, then (as the DNC is probably figuring), the whole "Bern" thing will burn out, and what will be left will be compliant Hillbots ready for the preordained nominee to lead the Dems to victory.  This will be what the DNC calls "healing the divide", and thus will lead toward what they think will be a "harmonious" convention where everybody gets along in perfect unison, singing "Oh, Hillary, Kumbaya."  Finally, they're counting on us "rubes" to have short attention spans and shorter term memory, so we'll forget all of the election fraud that it took to secure Hillary's "destiny". 

The actions taken by the Associated Press, along with CBS and other networks, have solidified, once and for all, the Bernie-Or-Else pledge taken by many of us.   Hillary's coronation is, at best, a Pyrrhic one - completely illegitimate and unearned.  If this is the conclusion drawn on July 25th, then I'm switching my allegiance to Jill Stein.   I WILL NOT VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 

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