Tuesday, November 29, 2016

As The Dust Settles...

I had to step away from blogging for a while.  The 2016 "Election" provided too much information to process given the stories, slants and accusations flying through the psychic room like steel-pointed arrows, in combination with the recent activities in my personal life.   Now that I'm back, I've plenty to say about what has transpired over the last several months, came to a head on November 8th, and what is still boiling over as a result.    Here are a couple of snippets:

--> I can't say I'm surprised that T-Rump won.   That so few media people were not caught off-guard about T-Rump winning stands as a testament as to just how out-of-touch they are with "flyover state" America - especially in regards to the prevalence of white voters who turned out for T-Rump in droves.   Explaining their mind-set will take at least it's own, extended post (or two, or three, or more).    Expect one from me in the coming weeks - but in the meantime, this article in thehill.com can offer a good start to the discussion.

--> Hillary beat T-Rump in the popular vote by almost 2 million votes at this writing, but the popular vote doesn't seem to matter too much in the World's Greatest Democracy/Republic/whatever this is becoming.   Even if Hillary won this in the same way T-Rump did - purely through the Electoral College - I would still call for the elimination of the Electoral College.  It's an anachronism put in place by the wealthy in order to dilute the influence of the masses, and to give an inordinate amount of influence to smaller states.   The Presidency is a national office, thus, the votes of the states, counted in amalgamation, should be rendered as irrelevant.   One person - one vote.   Period. 

Much more to come - stay tuned.  

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Public and Private Yuletide Health

I’ve taken a break from blogging over the last several months, in large part because of a deluge of things that have happened in my life.  ...