More long-awaited morsels, birthed and inspired by various media outlets:
>> Caitlin Johnstone, an up-and-coming blogger out of Australia, created quite the stir with this missive, essentially wishing for the non-violent death of Senator John McCain. Personally, while I think John McCain's voting record and warmongering rhetoric certainly point to considerable evil, I would never wish death or harm on anybody, regardless of what side of the fence their politics or other opinions reside - especially now that it's come out that Senator McCain has brain cancer.
I will continue to read Ms. Johnstone's work, as in my view, she calls the balls and strikes correctly in most cases. But for me, this post went a bit too far.
>> I must bid a bittersweet adieu to a few media personalities whom I used to follow since the Air America days. The common thread, to me, is that they all seem to be shilling for the DNC now, acting as shepherds to the Democratic "sheeple":
>>>>> Goodbye, Stephanie Miller. When I started listening to you in 2005, your show was different, fresh, and funnier than the hell borne by the Bush II administration. Some of Jim Ward's vocal antics had me literally on the floor laughing, and at the time, I had far too much trust in the Democratic Party, not to mention a world view that saw the country as a political duopoly. Your recent shows tout the musings of establishment tools like Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid, and nowhere do I hear any challenging of the Democratic establishment or the wreckage they visited on the country in 2016. You're playing what you describe as the "happy clappy cheerleader" for the Dems, and I've had enough.
>>>>> Goodbye, Randi Rhodes. I remembered your show the day after the election, where you castigated a caller who called Hillary Clinton a "bad candidate". You said HRC was the most qualified person on the planet to be the President, extolling her virtues when it was HRC who got you fired from Air America 2008. I juxtapose the video of you calling HRC a "fucking whore" around that time, against your more recent statements, and I'm floored by your hypocrisy. You also had a guest on who stated that our electoral system "works perfectly", and has done so for 240 plus years, without one challenge from you whatsoever. (The Nevada Caucuses, the millions of primary votes in California that were never counted, New York - all of this was OK to you, eh, Randi?) You've become a tool for the DNC, and I've had enough.
>>>>>Goodbye, Sam Seder. Your interview with Tim Black, where you stated that the DNC did not rig the primaries against Bernie Sanders, was the excessive weight that snapped the spinal column for me. That, and that you seem to generally be drifting toward a more centrist politics (still lefty, but more in line with the Democratic mainstream), had driven me away from your podcast. I've had it with centrist nonsense cloaked in progressive-sounding language.
In short, I don't buy or listen to podcasts for the purposes of getting marching orders or being told what to think. Politically, I think for myself, and while I need information and different viewpoints, I don't need propaganda, and many of these podcasts are devolving into that area - sadly.
>>Finally, about the word "resist" or "resistance". This term has officially been co-opted by the political and media elites, to the point where for me, the words have no meaning whatsoever. Hillary Clinton called herself a "part of the resistance" soon after her election defeat. REALLY, Hilly? You are WHAT IS BEING RESISTED!!! The only true resistance that is being waged (or can be waged) is in the streets and at the grass-roots, without the so-called "help" from traditional party structures like the Dems. You can't be a part of a "resistance" when your behavior and policies are the target. As Kshama Sawant said, the Democratic Party is the place where progressive ideas go to die - and that has been the case time after time.
This time, I'm not falling for it.